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Registration For Volunteers

Must be 18 or older to volunteer.
Forms will be accepted from February 1st to March 15th. We will notify volunteers by April 1st.

Volunteer FAQS
February 1Registration opens until booked or April 15, whichever comes first. If the camp books up, you may register to join the waiting list.
February 1 through March 1Early Bird Discount applies if payment received by March 1st.
April 1Volunteers will be notified by this date as they are selected.
April 15Registration closed. All payments are due for camp registration to be final.
May 15Camp forms are due. This is a vital process of registration to be complete. Receipts and confirmations will be issued.
Day of CampCamp check in begins at 2:30 pm (volunteers and their children only, please arrive at 9:00 am as we begin orientation at 9:30 am).
Last Day of CampCamp check out at 1:00 pm.
Thank you so much for volunteering. Without volunteers, we would not be able to host camp for these wonderful children! ​If you have any questions, please contact us at ​​or ​call Christina at 585-230-0363.
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